Construction of Pushout Complements in the Category of Hypergraphs


Marvin Heumüller, Salil Joshi, Barbara König, and Jan Stückrath. Construction of pushout complements in the category of hypergraphs. In Selected Revised Papers from the Third International Workshop on Graph Computation Models (GCM 2010), volume 39 of Electronic Communications of the EASST, 2011.

Suggested BibTeX entry:

    author = {Marvin Heum{\"u}ller and Salil Joshi and Barbara K{\"o}nig and Jan St{\"u}ckrath},
    booktitle = {Selected Revised Papers from the Third International Workshop on Graph Computation Models (GCM 2010)},
    series = {Electronic Communications of the EASST},
    title = {Construction of Pushout Complements in the Category of Hypergraphs},
    volume = {39},
    year = {2011}

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